In the animated action-comedy film Spies in Disguise (2019), the world's greatest spy, Lance Sterling, finds himself transformed into a pigeon through a mysterious incident. Now, with his avian alter ego, he must join forces with his extraordinarily intelligent tech officer, Walter Beckett, to stop a dangerous villain and save the world.
Lance Sterling is a suave and skilled secret agent who always completes his missions with flawless precision. Walter Beckett, on the other hand, is an unconventional inventor who believes in non-violence and the power of technology to prevent conflicts. Despite their contrasting personalities, they must team up to uncover a plot that threatens global security.
The film takes audiences on an exciting and humorous adventure as Lance and Walter navigate their newfound partnership. Packed with high-octane action sequences and clever comedic moments, Spies in Disguise offers a unique blend of espionage and comedy.
As they embark on their mission, Lance and Walter encounter a host of colorful characters, face thrilling challenges, and use their individual strengths to overcome obstacles. Through their journey, the film delivers an uplifting message about the importance of teamwork, acceptance, and embracing one's unique qualities.
With an all-star voice cast including Will Smith as Lance Sterling and Tom Holland as Walter Beckett, Spies in Disguise is an entertaining family-friendly film that will delight viewers of all ages. Get ready for a wild ride filled with spy gadgets, comedic twists, and heartwarming moments as the unlikely pair works together to save the world.
Also Known As:
Spies in DisguiseRelease Date:
25 Dec 2019Writers:
Lucas Martell (inspired by: the animated short film Awards:
3 nominations.