In the prequel to the beloved Shrek franchise, Puss in Boots takes center stage in his own thrilling adventure. Years before his encounters with Shrek and Donkey, Puss finds himself wrongly accused and labeled as a fugitive. Determined to clear his name, he embarks on a dangerous mission to steal magic beans from the notorious outlaws Jack and Jill.
During his venture, Puss meets Kitty Softpaws, a talented and cunning feline who becomes his partner in crime. Together, they uncover a shocking revelation about Puss' former companion, Humpty Dumpty, who has now become his bitter enemy. Their troubled past complicates matters, as Puss grapples with conflicting emotions of friendship and betrayal.
Reluctantly, Puss agrees to join forces with Humpty Dumpty, setting aside their differences to obtain the coveted magic beans. Their shared goal is to infiltrate the Giant's castle and retrieve the elusive golden goose, ultimately proving Puss' innocence. However, the trio faces numerous challenges and encounters treacherous obstacles along the way.
Packed with thrilling action sequences, heartwarming moments, and clever humor, Puss in Boots takes audiences on an unforgettable journey through fantastical worlds. This enticing tale of redemption and loyalty offers a fresh perspective on the charismatic and sharp-witted Puss in Boots, exposing the untold story behind his notorious reputation.
Also Known As:
Puss in BootsRelease Date:
28 Oct 2011Writers:
Tom Wheeler (screenplay by), Brian Lynch (story by), William Davies (story by), Tom Wheeler (story by), Charles Perrault (story Awards:
Nominated for 1 Oscar. Another 9 wins & 42 nominations.